According the radio news this morning.
They have a vaccine that is 100% for this strain.
If this is such a pandimic, why arn't we receiving the vaccine?
easy there chief ,....this is one vaccination that I won't be prescribing too...
check this out
Swine Flu - A Distraction?
Posted April 27th, 2009 by Khomar
The oh-so-trustworthy media has jumped on this so-called pandemic with an intense fervor, and it clear that we here on DailyPaul have as well as it dominates the active forum topics. Not to minimize the tragedy of those who have lost their lives, but we are talking about a very small number of deaths and cases. While this outbreak could certainly spread, it does not justify the outright panic that is occurring. The death rate of those infected is not actually all that incredibly high, and it appears that will good medical service (which is readily available in our country), chances of fatality are quite low.
I think we need to step back a moment and really think about this situation. We know that the media would like nothing better than to pull the wool over our eyes. I see a couple distinct possibilities regarding this outbreak:
1) It will be used to enact martial law or enforced vaccinations. This is, of course, the prevailing theory here on Daily Paul as we love to consider such dictatorial conspiracy theories (and not without good reason), but in our own efforts to discuss this line of reasoning, we are playing into their hands by whipping up FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).
2) It is a distraction to get our mind off important matters. Think about it. In the last two weeks, we have seen unprecedented interest in the Federal Reserve and wanton government spending. The Audit the Fed bill was getting a huge influx of support. Now, suddenly people are no longer paying attention to this important matter as everyone panics over what is at this point a trivial outbreak.
We must not lose focus here. We must not allow this to dissuade us from our plans or our vital efforts to restore freedom to this country.
I recommend we let this swine flu story fade and focus on the very important tasks of hand: keeping pressure and heat on our government officials.