Ok here is what i got. im thinking its an CDI issue.
cables were out of adjustment, for some reason i had them a little tight.
So adjusted cables to 38.5mm. Swapped in Stock CDI- started cycled once. Rotated to open and back down to point cables just barely had pressure released.
Put in the Zr cdi- started rotated to fully open and back down way past the point of the cables not having pressure and actually pushed the cable housing out of the holder and cycled 3x.
part number is cb7220 which is for 03zr900 which ive heard is the early build, becasue pn-cb7227 is also the zr900 low altitude cdi.... but im wondering did the early build sleds have a differnt cable spec? called my dealer and the 05 900s zr/kk all specs were 38.5....
My issue is, is if i tighten them down to where they are tight with this cdi- would be like roughly 30mm.. then when we go out west and i swap the stock cdi back in id have to adjust back to the 38.5.
But also maybe the zr cdi is mapped for more pull? im not sure any info would be great.. or maybe its the cdi is junk- did buy it used off HCS... Thanks guys...