This is just like another oil topic.... everyone has their favorite.
I love the start it up once a month process, and one would think it would be fine, but really, it's not! You NEED to find a good coating fogging oil, and use it, religously!
I've seen professionally rebuilt cranks in tip top shape take on surface corrosion in as little as a few days time! (PWC, watercraft) And really we're in no differtent situation with sleds!
Sleds are constantly consuming moisture during normal operation whether you think it is or not.
In my opinion, if your sled is going to sit for more than a week's time, it really should be hit with a decent shot of fogging oil!
Gasoline, especially with ANY ethanol, is a VERY great solvent against corrosion inhibators.
After the years of my experience with fogging oils, my favorite for good coating, protection, as well as burning out upon frequent uses..... I really like the the ski-doo/sea-doo xps storage/fogging oil.
Theirs a link to the product from one dealer........ no dealer in particular.
Like I suggest to every PWC owner, I think every sled should also be given a shot of this stuff after EVERY ride to be completely sure of no crank corrosion. It sticks great, you can spray damn near as much as you want, and it will burn right out without a problem!! Spray and spray and spray until you think its coated good. It's probably the only dang fogging oil ive ever found that will act as a fuel..... I'd take this stuff and spray continuously with COMPLETELY water flooded cases and it would eventually fire on it. And rarely fouls plugs after it's use. Will still smoke like a SOB though!
And as far as worrying about hydro-locking..... Take it for granted, you will need ounces upon ounces of added fogging oil to an engine to cause an actual hydro-lock situation that causes damage.
Once again, this Bomb XP-S fogging oil is great...