I think at this point it is fair for the Snowest moderator to remove this thread. Reason for my motion, this is highly depressing
. Don we don't know each other at all and from what i can tell by your posts you appear to be a solid guy and enjoy the sport, but I am thinking since you have taking the reigns in the Snowest CA/NV section with your weather reports, we have had multiple years of horrible snow. I am seriously looking at all voodoo hanging over our snow situation and I cannot help but call this out. It's kind of like the number 13, I despise that number and yes I played baseball for many years am I am a very superstitious individual, oh and Joe Boo really exists.
Not saying your a bad guy at all, but the CA/NV section has become overrun with weather reports and since this transition, we have had terrible Winters.
Just looking at all voodoo options and while you probably enjoy what your doing, it's probably fair to STOP
I get it it's free speech and you have the right to post, but holy smokes man lets work on a formula to end this madness of horrible snow, and I am willing to work with you on this, but something has to give
Have a great night and please let's figure out a snow dance that brings some snow
The above particular postings done recently threw me over the edge, I mean a weather dude is saying a 50/50 chance? Holy smokes lets find a Paiute traditional snow dance and tell that weather guy to have a drink and start dancing
You could say I don't like read the facts and oh man I couldn't agree more, but lets just Try something new, because I sure don't remember all these weather posts a few years ago when we had 92 feet of snow for the winter at Squaw and Alpine Meadows. I was in fact spending Christmas and New Years riding back then and this is now the third winter in a row we have pathetic snow at this time and ok I am taking my frustrations out, but just looking for a change of atmosphere (literally)