Based on that chart info. The cheapest extra torque to get out of this 900 is, gut the airbox,, and when ready to run on a lake, pop out the two triangular foam screens from your intake ports on the instrument panel. Put'em in your pocket... Do the lake drag,, then when back to trail, pop'em back in.
And a cheap alternative to "SLP pipe/can".. Get the SLP hot air eliminator for clutch and muffler side,, sure cools clutch, but also keeps the exhaust system cooler...
In other charts i seen, on a true dyno the SLP exhaust only proved a couple HP at start,, BUT, HOT, it held it's Dyno #'s,,,, the stock drops off in Torque & HP when hot .... like 145 to 130.... Well, that SLP pipe is light,thin,dispates heat and doesn't hold heat like the stock thick heavy pipe & can.. So there is allot of success w/ SLP thin wall metal, to recover in the hard rides that create that heat...
But guys like me don't have 550buck to drop,, but i can put on SLP vent ,(made my own from aluminum sheet,HomeDepot), and remove the vent channeling that goes to the disc brake to open up that cavity to air flow.
All BS crap on elect. issues,, well vent it and keep all that wire insulation on the engine harness 10 deg. cooler, and that can cut down that wire Chaffing allot by keeping it in its hard state.
I got some muffler aluminum repair tape from Autozone in a roll, 5 bucks,, i masked all electical and throttle body area w/ that tape,, it acts as a heat shield. I'll tell ya, i did not worry when i was doing it if it looked nice, but it sure made my underhood look trick... and will protect my critical parts.
So thats my cheap ideas to keep it running...
My only touch and feel budget upgrade...
Well, my Fusion 900 does not vibrate bad at all like the stories i hear, but at idle the ski's shake.. But i did get for the smooth feel get the steering vibration isolator by Polaris for 50 bucks off Ebay, "Shockblocker",,, have not tried this on trail yet, just did it a month ago, and first time i fired it up i noticed it was smoother feel than my XCR440 by far.......
Thats it for now,, Ride free !!!