Did you all know that buried in the "stimulus" bill is a cute little provision.
it will create a new medical department to track medical treatment. It will require all your medical history to be put in a HUGE government data base. This will give any doctor access to your medical records in case of an emergency.
Sounds good right?
It will also allow them to tell your doctor what procedures they can and can't perform. it takes the doctors experience out of the picture and allows them to dictate to the doctor what he can do. They say it is to cut down on medical expenses.
My question is this.
What the heck does this have to do with stimulating the economy?
Well, other than backdooring a brand new government department. Now imagine how BIG this little provision will become.
oh and they are now saying the total "stimulus" bill could top 9 TRILLION DOLLARS, but the repulicans are bad for the economy. Also, the savior says this is the worst our economy has been since the great depression. BS, in the recessions in the 70's and 80's we had unemployment at over 10%. You couldn't find a home loan for less than 13%. This is a hickup. They need to let the economy right itself instead of propping it up so it can fail harder next time.