Hello from all the replies and threads I have read i decided to check out my suspension set up and where everything was set at , my front shocks were on 3 and i turned them down to 1.5 my front skid shock had about 1 3/8 inch threads showing so I backed it off to around 1 inch of thread showing, it actually releaved alot of pressure and I can feel the front of the skid move now when I tip it up or over on the floor couldn`t feel it move before , I also put my 6.9 pilot skis that have the cutouts and are swapped from side to side leaving the outer carbide to the inside even though I`m not running the inside carbide, after doing this I notice the center carbide is set in the ski different to the stock 04 carbides which are set to the outside almost lined up with the outer part of the spindle, after putting the pilots back on the carbide sets in the center of the ski and with the skis set to the inside offset position the carbide set just inside center of the spindle it actually makes the pivot of the skis a touch over an inch difference it doesn`t sound like alot but definetly looks like a big change.
Of course this is after the steering post forward mod, I`ll look into possibly getting a shorter riser but it feels really good now to where my hands are vs where I am standing on the sled. I don`t feel like I`m leaning over for the handlebars.
Now the effort to tip the sled over on its side it a Big difference from it was before, Before to tip it to its side I had to give a hard yank and have one foot on the boards and one let out to get it to come over , Now I can pull Alot easier on the bars and have both feet on the boards and it comes right over , I`m sure on snow this will be a Huge diffference.
Of course this is after the steering post forward mod, I`ll look into possibly getting a shorter riser but it feels really good now to where my hands are vs where I am standing on the sled. I don`t feel like I`m leaning over for the handlebars.
Now the effort to tip the sled over on its side it a Big difference from it was before, Before to tip it to its side I had to give a hard yank and have one foot on the boards and one let out to get it to come over , Now I can pull Alot easier on the bars and have both feet on the boards and it comes right over , I`m sure on snow this will be a Huge diffference.