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Important Starlink's new cellular service lets you stay connected even off the grid


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

Starlink's new cellular service lets you stay connected even off the grid​

By Cesar Cadenas
published about 5 hours ago
Maintain a connection even in the most remote locations

Starlink is expanding its satellite communications to your pocket. Now, in addition to delivering an internet connection anywhere around the world, Starlink is set to start offering cellular connectivity next year through a brand new service called Starlink Direct to Cell.

The company will start off small as LTE phones will only have the ability to send text messages sometime in 2024. After that, the service will expand to allow sending voice calls and data plus support for IoT devices like smartwatches in 2025.

Starlink states customers won’t need a different phone, a firmware update, or a special app.

The service will work on current devices even in the most remote locations on Earth – provided “you can see the sky”. There can’t be anything getting in the way of the satellite’s signal.

Speaking of which, Starlink says it will be deploying “satellites with the Direct to Cell capability at scale” on SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets. It appears Direct to Cell will mainly be for businesses that want remote cellular connectivity. At the time of this writing, the service isn’t present on the company’s Personal usage website

Made in collaboration​

If any of this sounds familiar to you, that’s because billionaire Elon Musk, who is the CEO of parent company SpaceX, and T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert announced plans for Direct to Cell last year although it wasn’t given a name yet. Sivert explained the connection will be available in “the lower 48 [of the United States], …vast parts of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and territorial waters.” The areas covered include national parks plus certain terrains where it's tough to get a cell phone signal like the desert.

Since that talk, SpaceX has entered new partnerships with other telecommunication companies from around the world like Rogers Communications in Canada as well as Optus in Australia.

Potential beta​

What’s interesting is in T-Mobile’s press release from August 2022, it mentions there will be a beta program in select areas by the end of 2023. “SMS, MMS, and participating messaging apps” were supposed to be part of the program. However, Starlink's website doesn’t say anything about a beta, leading us to believe that maybe the idea was scrapped. Perhaps it just wasn’t ready yet.

Normally, we would ask Starlink or SpaceX for more information, but they don’t have any way for members of the press to contact them. Instead, we reached out to T-Mobile for more information; specifically on the beta and whether or not it’s still happening. This story will be updated at a later time.

It’s unknown exactly when everything will go live in 2024. SpaceX has been pushing the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to hurry up with processing their satellite applications. But according to Commission Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC has over 56,000 satellite applications pending on their desk, so it’s probably going to be a while.

If you want to know what the future holds, check out TechRadar's coverage of how satellite connectivity could become a major feature for smartphones.



Well-known member
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Jul 30, 2008
Jackson Wy
That will be handy for sure.

Apple has had the ability to send out emergency text via satellite for a little over a year, I think.

But an actual useable satellite connection is going to be better for sure. As 90% of my local community has terrible cell service.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
That will be handy for sure.
Apple has had the ability to send out emergency text via satellite for a little over a year, I think.
But an actual useable satellite connection is going to be better for sure. As 90% of my local community has terrible cell service.
I think this would be a very welcome service to most everyone who has a Cell Phone and rides.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Northern alberta
Well my starlink roam is 170per month Canadian. I would expect a similar price to do the same thing with the land based starlink, but I can pause my service when I am not using it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Feb 20, 2008


Well-known member
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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
If this was included with a Starlink internet subscription I'd dump my cable internet to be able to text from my phone in the backcountry!


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
I will be watching this also. We have starlink for mountain adventures, and it works AMAZINGLY well!

Camping by a creek, having fast internet service, texting, and making wi-fi calls, is pretty sweet!! Is it worth $150 per month . . meh . . maybe!

If this new venture allows cell use without the "dishy", and without additional expense, THAT would be a game changer!
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