It's been quite a while since I've been to Cooke, and was wondering if The Alpine is still owned by the same folk(s)?
As I recall, we had a kid here that rode an Alpine (seriously) and went by that, or similar name, and he and his mom ran the motel?
I haven't noticed him around lately. I'm sure that he is prolly 30 by now and possibly setting the world on fire elsewhere by now?
Doo I have my facts straight?
If so - what's the status on them?
Me and a chum stayed there one time - late season. The town was all but closed up for their own season break, and we didn't find anyone there, but we checked the drop box and there was a set of keys, so we helped our selves. When we went in to pay the next morning - we pretty much freaked mamma out as she had no clue that we were there. LOL!
This would have been before Bob put up The 6.
I have no clue when we are going back, but just curious and trying to keep up on my optional riding areas.
Is Ricky and ___??? (forget her name - but VERY capable woman!) still running the Exxon?