The SPOT units were shipped out and are on their way. They were shipped priority mail, so they should arrive early next week (at least in the US). The promo codes are taped to the front of the product. You should have received multiple emails providing status updates. The emails were sent to the address used when you purchased the unit. If you are still unsure of your status, please PM me and I will get back to you ASAP.
The good news is that we are able to continue offering the free year of add-on tracking with each unit purchased. We will be placing another order in the next week or so, so get your orders in now if you are interested. Shipping is still free to the US and Canada. The new unit looks cool and I am excited to start using it.
Thanks everyone for your support so far, and I look forward to working with more of you.
Thanks for your excellent communication Deschutes.. Looking forward to getting mine and setting it up. It's gonna make me feel a lot safer when I'm 50 miles from my truck!