Senate Dems give Specter subcommittee chair
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Enlarge By Susan Walsh, AP
Senate Democrats have announced they will assign Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania a subcommittee chair in spite of his recent decision to abandon the Republican Party and join his Democratic colleagues. Specter's move could have meant a complete loss of seniority in the Senate. Here, the senator is seen talking with reporters on Tuesday.
Yahoo! Buzz Digg Newsvine Reddit FacebookWhat's this?WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats gave party switcher Arlen Specter a plum Judiciary subcommittee chairmanship on Thursday as a potential primary challenger to the veteran Pennsylvania lawmaker stepped forward.
Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois said he would give up his chairmanship of the Crime and Drugs subcommittee in exchange for becoming chairman of a panel on human rights. The move, he said, would "best utilize Senator Specter's talents and experience in our caucus."