There is some messed up stuff out there and it is possible to gain that much mind control over someone. There is a documentary on it but I can't remember what it is called.
Where they did a study and said it was bunk because of reactions that told them they werent completely over.. then they told the subjects it was over and to leave, all where leaving and the guy controlling them snapped his fingers and gained 100% control over a guy to the point of picking up a gun and shooting a guy, (the gun had blanks and the victim had wired shot packs on to seem real, which the guy did not know was fake) then set the gun down and walked out. they even had him crawl into a tube of pure Ice water, he got in like it was a hot tub. no reaction just climbed in.
Did you hear about the shooting on the west coast,, prob not, thats because the it got stop by someone with a concealed carry, so they had to cover that up quick.