So I was replying to a thread when something just hit me. I would like someone other than Christopher and the moderators to prove me wrong on this because this is how i see it now. Chistopher must be an environmentalist that has infiltrated Snowest and is just laughing at what has taken place here. That is something that I have wanted to do for a long time to the Enviro's and it seems like it has been done to us first. He has turn us Snowmobilers against one another. He has devided a once thriving community that was trying to ban together for the good of the sport and he is taking us down. He has turned us into a "Paid Member" vs "Free Member" society. He has caused us to be more concerened with the future of this forum than the good of our community. I have seen more commmnets in the last week from both sides of the fence (myslef included) that are intentially offensive, rude, crual, and what ever other word you might think of towards one another just becuase our opinions are different. We are correcting everybody's spelling and grammar everywhere. Honsetly who freaking cares. This is a forum not elementary school. We can all undetand what you mean anyway so why bring it up? I will tell you why. IT is because we are divided, and it is to show that one is better than the other.
What has happend to us? We once used to be a group of people that loved to share our expeiences and good times with one another. We are now divided, many of us are leaving and trying to find new places to hang out. Snowest was one of the biggest forums for the Western riders and it is now crumbling. Just look at the amount of post each day. Not too long ago I would log on here every day and see an entire page of Bold blue threads because those are all new since i was here last, now i log on and only see a handful of threads that have been updated. Yes some of the memebers have just said great whatever and paid the $30 bucks and thats great for them. Others have said I will wait and see what happens. Others have siad screw it I am gone. Others cause problems and got banned.
I keep hoping for a better Snowest but unitl the Admins and Christopher start listening to its members instead of refering to the stupid letter they sent out back in november that left hundreds of unanswerd questions, I will not pay a dime. They have asked for feedback and suggestions but do not consider any of them. They just quote that same **** letter everytime. Guess what that letter sucks. it does not give any dates, limits or anything usefull. It is their way or the highway. The highway is looking awefully good right now.
Again please prove me wrong, but its going to take alot of convinceing to get me to belive he is not and Envrio Natzi that has infiltrated our commmunity.
What has happend to us? We once used to be a group of people that loved to share our expeiences and good times with one another. We are now divided, many of us are leaving and trying to find new places to hang out. Snowest was one of the biggest forums for the Western riders and it is now crumbling. Just look at the amount of post each day. Not too long ago I would log on here every day and see an entire page of Bold blue threads because those are all new since i was here last, now i log on and only see a handful of threads that have been updated. Yes some of the memebers have just said great whatever and paid the $30 bucks and thats great for them. Others have said I will wait and see what happens. Others have siad screw it I am gone. Others cause problems and got banned.
I keep hoping for a better Snowest but unitl the Admins and Christopher start listening to its members instead of refering to the stupid letter they sent out back in november that left hundreds of unanswerd questions, I will not pay a dime. They have asked for feedback and suggestions but do not consider any of them. They just quote that same **** letter everytime. Guess what that letter sucks. it does not give any dates, limits or anything usefull. It is their way or the highway. The highway is looking awefully good right now.
Again please prove me wrong, but its going to take alot of convinceing to get me to belive he is not and Envrio Natzi that has infiltrated our commmunity.
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