man... we were sitting in Rawlins a few months back and a few "respectable" business owners from in town were sitting one table away from us. I heard one mention "oil money" and my ears perked up, so I started listening.
This retard was talking about how all the "oil money" coming in was going to allow him to double the size of his store because this "oil money" was going to keep coming in for the next 20 years.
I literally started laughing out loud. A refinery job is 10 years at a shot, tops, and this one has already been going for almost 5 now (I was on it the first ~ 3). Now, if you start talking exploratory drilling, developing a field from the ground up including processing facilities, now you're talking 20-30 years of solid work with 5-10 of boom.
All the "boom-mongers" need to STFU and stop spouting off about how much money they are going to make and start looking for steady work.
Eh... I'll stop rambling since I know I'm preaching to the choir for some of you.
I wouldn't call it horizontal drilling
Funniest thing I've ever seen was a driller decided he would play a joke on the company man one winter. He took an old bit and a chunk of drill collar and stuck it into the ice on the resevoir down the hill from the rig. Took a pic of it and sent it to the company.
He got fired