I just got back from a trip to BC. Got a chance to meet some "names" in the snowboarding, skiing and sledding world. We rode into a pretty amazing area around Pemberton on the 31st. Best ride of my life actually. We got into this really cool spot that took some work. While parked for a break I got a chance to see Dan Treadway ripping it up. What was amazing was that he was riding in tough spots effortlessly and doing tricks and stuff on a Freeride with a 137" track with HIS GIRLFRIEND SITTING IN FRONT OF HIM! There was this really tight trail on the way in that we would never have made it on without someone to break it for us. Basically bottomless pow in the tight trees up, down and sideways and again he did that on a 137 track. Makes you think about all the debate between 154 and 163. And if you say it's because Treadway is a lighter rider remember that he rides that thing double up. I did not get any video, didn't have a camera set up at the time. Regret that.