3000 yr old planes.
ancient mayan golden planes.
egyptian hieroglyphics
then you have this sort of human behavior...
is it so impossible that back thousands of years ago, any being that was visited by some sort of extraterrestrial, having never seen such a thing before, might look at it as something to worship? especially if they had recieved some sort of message?
ive heard many times that the bible is the word of man, from god. god speaking to men, and men writing the bible.
"Consider the fact that the Bible is comprised of 66 Books written over a period of about 1,500 years by over 40 authors from all walks of life, with different kinds of personalities, and in all sorts of situations. It was written in three languages on three continents, and it covers hundreds of controversial subjects. Yet, it fits together into one cohesive story with an appropriate beginning, a logical ending, a central character, and a consistent theme."
in the bible it talks about a great flood that wiped out many walks of life. noah was warned by god, that a great flood would happen as part of a cleaning of earth. we have had many natural disasters more recently, and well before. many were widely catastrophic.
there has been some sort of warning of other major events in the past.
then you have the whole warning of 2012. if the whole world doesnt end, maybe some of it will?
then you have the whole depopulation theory. whether its done by man, nature, or some sort of extraterrestrial beings... you have this...
sounds like they might be preparing for something big?
then you have this.... this has been mirrored, theres many of the same video, with much more views. so dont judge the view count..
and this...
and this...
obviously they're preparing for something...
did someone or something warn them of some other catastrophe?
another cleanse of some sort?
or do the elite just want to get rid of a bunch of people so they can enjoy the world for themselves?
remember the bible talks about "heaven on earth"
anyone know about the Georgia Guidestones?