The wife calls me at work around 3:15 in a panic, yelling stuff I can't understand. So, I about puke because I'm thinking about Reb, our 7mo son. I tell her to slow down, and she tells me again to call the Vet, they are coming in with two of the three dogs (one is our 3yr old pupppy-Guyver, the other is the in-laws 7yo), something about eating a dead cat and they are seizing. Page the vet, we meet there ect...Anyway, they were on a walk and both ended up getting into a dead CALF that was in the ditch by our house (not our cattle) that was injected with, what looks like at this point, some type of organo-phosphate. Like only a few seconds later, the older dog was seizing in the road, my mother-in-law started running back to get the pickup, father-in-law drags her to the ditch and wait. Our dog Guyver, went over to the calf, and mom calls, but he dosen't come. By the time she runs back 1/4 mile and gets the pickup, Guyver is half way back. He jumps in, they grab Polly and come back to the yard. Then Guyver start seizing so in they come. The big dog is home, but our pup is staying the night and may not make it. He's unconscious, and might be developing renal failure (probably had some anti-freeze in it). He had a sustaind temp of 108 for at least two hrs. which didn't help his brain at all. We called the game warden and he went out (at 6pm) to triple bag it and was snooping around and found a dead coyote AND a dead friking eagle in the trees (he said stacked on each other which looks like human, not nature). He left them for evidence, as it's federal now. So, basically some chithead mother f***ing lowlife, injected a dead calf to kill coyotes, finds a dead eagle with his dead coyote, and comes and dumps that crap on our land, and now my dog might die. Why do people do stupid chit and not realize the consequences. I'm not even that but-hurt about the eagle and the federal offense thing, but burn the carcas or something. Don't freaking drag innocent people into you're stupid azz scheme, because you're too lazy to hunt coyotes, or even trap them. And some of you one here might poison coyotes. You know what, fine. I don't even care about that, I'm just raging pissed that they had to come dump it on our land. Why in the sam hell couldn't you at least drive it out in the middle of nowhere where there aren't humans and dogs... Sorry, first dog I've had (might be the last) and dang I love that dog...