It was a good time. Hopefully one of these years we'll have some good weather so we can go actually race on a mountain insted of a bunny hill that is as flat on top as a lake.
I actually wanted to stay and race but Andrew blew his Y pipe and he was my ride and he needed to get home so I left with him. I should of grabed a ride home with Paul but he went for a ride and I didn't want to be stranded. Anyway...
There were several "independent" races going on all day. The main one I was a part of is when Doc Zoom got us all together to do what I thought was a final. In that race was me, Diamond S John Dodge on a Tirx1, russ on that Tivector/apex, Wes Dodge on the TiNytro, Shain, and probably a few I'm missing. We all agreed who ever won the best out of 3 races would win. This is on tape. In those 3 races the top two were me and John on the tirx1. Doc asked me what happened and to make sure I wasn't off in my thinking that I won, I told him to ask John. John said I beat him 2 of the 3 times. Russ never beat me once in these 3 races. And as far as I know Russ never beat John either. But I never looked back to see as I was going 100+mph. John did tell me that his rx1 was faster then Russ.
So after these 3 races we raced about 3 more times. Russ did beat me one of those races because he jumped the gun and he even came back down and admited it. The other two races John won then I won and Russ was in those races as well. John and I talked about it and we both were really really close to each other. After that both John and I left and I know there was alot of racing after that to which Shain is refering.
I would be game to to a Tony's grove shoot out so we can put this to rest.