Hello all,
My company, avalanchesafety.ca, will be importing and distributing a new avalanche flotation backpack, called Snowpulse, which will be widely available in the fall. I have been showing this pack around BC and Alberta for the last couple of months and people are really stoked.
It has got a bunch of advantages to the ABS including a refillable, legal canister filled with air, trauma protection, it's a pound lighter, and a bunch more. No way Rene had it out this weekend in Reve (check out the photo of the chute climb on a nearby thread) and told me that at one point he thought he had forgotten his camera, the pack felt so light and comforatble.
Anyways this being my first thread don't want to be the annoying advertiser, just thought you guys would be interested in what is coming out next year. You can learn more at orhttp://www.snowpulse.com
My company, avalanchesafety.ca, will be importing and distributing a new avalanche flotation backpack, called Snowpulse, which will be widely available in the fall. I have been showing this pack around BC and Alberta for the last couple of months and people are really stoked.
It has got a bunch of advantages to the ABS including a refillable, legal canister filled with air, trauma protection, it's a pound lighter, and a bunch more. No way Rene had it out this weekend in Reve (check out the photo of the chute climb on a nearby thread) and told me that at one point he thought he had forgotten his camera, the pack felt so light and comforatble.
Anyways this being my first thread don't want to be the annoying advertiser, just thought you guys would be interested in what is coming out next year. You can learn more at orhttp://www.snowpulse.com