Terry Star, Snowmobile Jumping King, Republic WA 1977
There was a local dare devil that lived in kettle Falls, WA. We went over Sherman Pass one time to watch him make an attempt at the worlds record snowmobile jump at the Republic rodeo grounds. Star was not his real name. He would change his last name to match his current dare devil trick.
The start of the races.
At half time Terry Star came out riding in a Twin Track Raider. It had stars painted all over it and he wore a suit with a cape and stars all over that outfit. He gave a speech saying he wouldn't count the jump as a record if he couldn't drive the snowmobile back to the starting line afterwords.
The jumping launch ramp. Notice the lights on wires at the top of the photo. He had the officials put props under the wires to raise them up so he wouldn't hit them.
His Jumping Machine was an Arctic cat. When he left the ramp he stood up on the snowmobile to let his cape fly out behind him like super man. he damn near hit the light wires and crashed down flat like a pancake on the hard packed snowmobile race track. The Arctic cat folded in half right in front of the seat. He sat there for a while and you could tell he was really hurting. He finally got to his feet and limped back to the finish line and gave another speech. It turns out he had a broken ankle.
Three years before this stunt he had gone over Spokane Falls in an in an inner tube. He used the name "Tubing Terry" for that stunt and was arrested for that stunt.
Here's a quote from a story about people trying to go over that falls.
"The only other "successful" navigation of upper Spokane Falls was also performed by a daredevil loner named Terry Brauner during the World's Fair in 1974. He wrapped himself inside several large inner tubes, which entrapped and nearly killed him before he was rescued at the Washington Water Power generating station." Link to the whole story
I ran into him at the Kettle River raft races the next summer.. We had riden our Sea Doos up to the base of the last rapids. He saw those and and decided he wanted to do some kind of a dare devil trick to climb a water fall.
43 years later I think I'm still the Sea Doo trick riding king.