Woke up to 10-11 inches at my house in Longmont. Nice to see but terribly misplaced. Wish I could transplant this snow to the mtns. City of Longmont and the local federales get a bit cranky when I spool up the 1000 in the park across the street!
Mark, It's a Phillips HD cam and I'm running it on Yawcam software. On the road right now, but I can get you the exact model. It's nothing fancy. $50 bucks or so at Walmart. I used a piece of 6" dia PVC to house it. Screw cap on one end, plexiglass on the other, with a rubber chimney collar rigged as a sun/rain shade. I'm getting away with about 25' of USB cable and it works OK. There is a limit how far you can run USB. Wireless cam is probably an available option now, but ya still gotta get power to it.
The Yawcam sofware is freeware and you can get it here http://yawcam.en.softonic.com/. It's kind of a resource hog but it has alot of options and allows you to get the most from an HD webcam. Will automatically take pics at specified intervals and save them to a directory or upload them to a website. Can stream video too, but takes a fast net connection to stream HD. You want to set your frame rate at 5 frames per second to get the best quality. Takes some fiddling to get the best results and figure out all the gizmos, but you can't beat it for free. Let me know if you need help setting it up. I can walk you through it.