I agree 100%. My 13 M1100T was a tank out of the box, I replaced the front track shock spring almost immediately with a 160/260# spring from the race sled which made a huge difference in how the sled felt and handled. Since then, I've added a 16 front end and a kmod skid with custom rate springs that I had built. I'm not a professional rider, and I'm definitely middle aged, no where near the best shape of my life - and I can ride mine in the trees quite easily and keep up with the rest of the riders in my group - my Linderman built 925 M800 with a 162" x 3" usually sits in the trailer... Cat and Yamaha both missed the boat on suspension calibration with the 4S as they used the same setup as the lighter 2 strokes - must have been spending too much time riding trail sleds, or they never actually did any pre production testing - I've no clue as to why they were set up so poorly. The 4S proclimb chassis should have been a flagship for both companies, instead it was delivered as a barge. These sleds were labeled from the get go as being heavy belt blowers, and a good portion were hard on belts after power was added unless you beefed up the powertrain, but the ride and handling characteristics can be improved tenfold. Sad that even after I sent a few emails to Cat to discuss the suspension calibration (since 2013) they simply didn't do a damn thing about it - never even received a reply... the improvements were left to the consumer as per usual.