Only thing skids are good for is grooming faces for a mx track. My dads 580D did a hellofa job anyways. Skids are good for tight areas, but out in landscaping world (away from developments) the increased cycle time is offset by their inability to fully load a dump (unless a ramp is built), inability to lift heavy and bulky objects (bucket raises straight up, instead of out, normally not used for prof. stuff, but very handy for redneck use), inability to put attachments on the back....
all buckets raise straight up ruffy if they went out they wouldn't be able to lift squat it's all about leverage, and they are used all the time in developments. depends also what you call heavy and bulky. My cat skidsteer will raise a full stack of 1/2 ply wood a little 0ver 10 ft in the air no problem(sheeting roofs).why would you have a bobcat loading dump trucks on a regular basis? thats like using a truck and a snow plow for dozer work
They do work awesome for grading as the tracks keep you flat, but bigger loaders are just more handy, especially if you have to get in and out all the time, or out while the bucket is half up. Forget about it with a door. They do rock in construction, but ag/farm use (all my experience, if you count MX track building as ag work.
) requires different machines.
use em all the time on my farm, it's paid for it's self 3 or 4 times over, and if you don't need the door its a cinch to pop off. use it every day. great for cleaning and a million other uses
Though, you can't pop wheelies on a 580D, well, I have, and it aint pretty, especially with no ROPS.... Something about driving too high up a face of a jump with 1k lbs of weight hanging on the box scraper. Nothing like having only one good rear brake to help get that front end slid over! ahhh brings back good memories... Is the snow worth it????
Pops got a Kubota last year, nice big 4wd version with the large tires on the front. Looks fricken awesome, shuttle shift is cool, though I had to explain it to the old man. It is amazing the difference in the ability to push into a pile a manure with a 4wd Kubota vs a 2wd 580D loader/hoe. Plus the Kubota sounds like my liberty!