A det sensor on the 1000 would have been nice as well, they put it on the 8 but left us hanging on the more expensive sled that prob cost the same to build. I'd say if your sled runs the way you think it should don't reflash it. as for the 09 mapping the mid range is extremely lean, I had 1262 temps on my egt's 6100 rpm, the sled was stock at that point. I have checked my egts with the plugs and they seem to be spot on. I hit 1300 once and blew the motor. on top at WOT it read 1151 temp. I think AC should be telling us the changes they make on a reflash, richer, leaner, what range adjusted, ect.. they know we buy the m1000 for the power and I have yet to see a m1000 with no mods except when at the dealers. Not saying there all modded but I'll bet more are than aren't.