Those indicators of ownership become very weak when you can not compare the VIN written on a registrationor Title to an absent VIN on the snowmobie.
they may be a little weak but the likely hood of have matching registration and tags with the sled is a fairly good indication that the owner ship is legit. I've had several sleds i have built with custom tunnels (so no vin) and never had a problem selling , but was never pulled over on them either, i do however think it's a good thing to leave a window where the vin is on the tunnel, i think a better solution should be a vin stamping on the bulkhead and tunnel. but it is absolutely stupid to raise this type of thing to the level of a felony. having stolen property is already a felony. al though we have disagreed on a few thing i think it's good that you come on here for a dialogue . it helps to for other to see how you see things and for us to see your point off veiw.