I just received an updated oil tank from Justin. I have the 2012 kit installed. Justin missed the boat on the new tank. I was just looking to get rid of the oil leaks and now what a pain in the a** to work with. The new tank doesn't have a place for the oil pump....so I have to build a bracket for it. The new connection to the turbo is a CHEAP solution. Once you connect the turbo to the oil tank then the bolts won't line up to bolt the stringer down....so now I have to cut off the bracket from the stinger and redesign a new one. This turned out to be an 8 hour affair. I was expecting better from Justin. This new oil tank better not f...king leak.
I had a decent year with the kit last year but have a new appreciation for the more expensive kits. Especially after seeing what powderlights found with the turbo outlet being partially blocked off by the stinger plate and the oil cap leaking. I also found a lot of grime in my airbox and intake.... Now I have to figure out a prefilter. Even with the grime the reeds were still like new with 1500mi boosted.
I had a decent year with the kit last year but have a new appreciation for the more expensive kits. Especially after seeing what powderlights found with the turbo outlet being partially blocked off by the stinger plate and the oil cap leaking. I also found a lot of grime in my airbox and intake.... Now I have to figure out a prefilter. Even with the grime the reeds were still like new with 1500mi boosted.