Everyone's needs & desires are different. So one style cannot be better or worse.
I've had the Rhino for a few years & really like it.
My dislikes....
1 The hood is a pain to open, you have to lift on both sides at once.
2 No fuel guage. WTH were they thinking here? (The new ones have one)
3 Very hard starting if left sitting for a couple weeks or more.
(been considering installing a primer)
4 I would rather not have a locking rear end. (I use mine on pavement frequently)
5 High range should be faster. (rev limiter kicks in long before it powers out)
6 More power would be nice.
When hitting the gas on pavement, I want to see the tires break loose or the front come up.
And I'm not gonna spend thousands to get those results!
I LOVE my Rhino, but if I were trading today, it would be the RZR.
But I will wait for Yamaha to up the ante.
Besides, they are like any other toys, the dealers don't offer much for trade in.