Not a Michael Moore fan but I downloaded his latest "Sicko" and watched it for something to do. It talks about the nations healthcare system and how it's such a dismal failure. (After all we're what #37 in the world (Just above Cuba) and 2nd to last for clinic waiting times) And then you see that Hilary tried to go for it during her husbands first year in office and she's been bought off since and has joined in the club that's fleecing this country. Then I go online and look at Obama, Hilary and McCains Healthcare plans and none of them are really pushing towards a social reform structure of medical assistance but I think I'm totally turned off by the Democrats plan. I swear, if something doesn't change soon I might look at moving to another country who doesn't fleece it's own citizens. Don't get me wrong, I love this country but It just seems that no one from county legislature on up just doesn't give a crap what they do with our money anymore and the general population does not want to rock the boat. Soemthing needs to change.