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Shuts down when I give it throttle. 16 m8000

Hi all. I was riding last year and sled just died on me wayyyy back in mountains. Started right up and idled fine, but as soon as I give it throttle it shuts down. I was able to ride it down hill and on level using just the tiniest throttle input to get back. I put it up in garage and it fires right up but as soon as I give it throttle it instantly shuts down. Fuel pump is new, wiring harness is new, TSS is disconnected. I'm replacing the TPS tonight not sure if that's a symptom of TPS. Maybe knock sensor?? I'm supposed to leave to wolf creek here in Colorado Friday. No codes but seems maybe it's in limp mode?? Thanks for any help guys you all have been amazing throughout the years!!
It really sounds like the TSS, but you said you unplugged it - very strange.
Your 100% sure you disconnected the TSS? I had this happen riding with a buddy of mine on the hill. Exactly as you describe. I started taking apart the throttle block to see if I could jumper the TSS and once I had everything loosened up, I fired it up and could give it throttle. We thought it was just one of those - "took it apart and put it back together and it started working" deals. As soon as I tightened everything back up, it did the same thing. We loosened everything back up a little and he was able to ride out with no issues (other than the the flipper flopping around). Dealer replaced the TSS and that did not solve it. Had to replace the throttle block - guess it was warped from sitting in the hot trailer over the summer.
Yes, I pulled the whole switch out when I opened throttle lever up. Cables seem good. It did the same in summer as today. The way it shuts off is almost like I hit the kill switch when I give it. Only thing I haven't changed is knock sensor and ECU.
Check the wiring harness. May be grounding out against the frame. Could be on the right side of the sled where it lays next to the motor. Had an issue with my 17 Mountain Cat don`t know if it was from when the dealer installed pipe can and head mods or just a ****ty day at the factory. But the covering on my wiring harness was melted laying right against the motor and wire was grounding out to the frame. Similar would run until it heated up and die or wouldn`t let me give any throttle. Went thru the throttle block issues thinking that was it but was not.. Might not be the exact same issue but worth a look.
Unplug handlebar harness below console plastics and try it. Eliminates all the upper switches and will still work with key.
Sounds exactly like the TSS and/or throttle cable too tight. Make sure you unplugged the correct plug for the TSS.
Have you looked in your primary clutch? I had a broken spring 2 years ago that would bog and kill the sled as soon as it tried to move. Friends would have to lift the track out of the snow, get is spinning, then drop it in the snow at the same time I jumped on to get going. On downhill or on the flat it would go fine.
Have you looked in your primary clutch? I had a broken spring 2 years ago that would bog and kill the sled as soon as it tried to move. Friends would have to lift the track out of the snow, get is spinning, then drop it in the snow at the same time I jumped on to get going. On downhill or on the flat it would go fine.
Yeah operates fine, just had it rebuilt. I can drive it slowly on a flat or downhill surface as long as I dont go past maybe 1/4 throttle.
If you have one of the small cameras they use for plumbing or hvac you can stick it thru the butterfly you can see the reeds without pull ing the sled apart. we had this problem with my sons sled last year . it was both reeds and the pump we changed the regulator at the same time.
if you unplugged your handlebar harness and it solved the issue it has nothing to do with fuel/reeds/chassis harness etc. just to be clear you removed the TSS switch and unplugged it?
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