So I'm just north of Steptoe on 195 on dry roads keeping pace with traffic at 63, the posted limit is 60. I see the car that just went by me headed south hit the brakes and flip around. Look down and I'm doing 63, keep tooling down the road and here come the lights. Chit. I pull over and he says "Do you know how fast you were going?" I tell him that I thought between 60 and 63. "No, you were doing 65"
So I hand over all the paperwork and he goes back to his car. I figure he is going to run my info and tell me to slow it down a little. NOPE, he comes back and hands me a ticket for 65 in a 60. $93.00! They must love out of staters up there, knowing they aren't going to drive the 300 miles to fight a BS ticket. Washington must be hurting for cash eh?