Slim what are the chance you snaped a couple of pics?
Sorry! I didnt think of it, wished that I had, but it is VERY easy to do. I'll try and narrate it thru 1 more time tho......
1. In the center of your secondary is the belt deflection adjuster, (A black plastic Hub/Cog).
2. Inside the center of the Hub is an threaded aluminum adjuster nipple, take the small gold tube wrench from your Tool Kit and insert it into the center of the hub and loosen the nipple 4 complete turns.
3. Then take the gold hub wrench from your tool kit that has the (2) 1/2 inch stubs on it and take out the black plastic Hub completely out of the secondary.
4. Now completely take out the aluminum nipple and set it aside.
5. On the interior end of the Hub you will see that the end has (4) slots and that there is an "O" ring around the slots.
It is these slots that you can see are not completely cut thru and will not allow the (4) "fingers" to expand when you tighten you secondary Hub after you set your deflection.
6. Take a small screwdriver and gently pry off the "O" ring and set it aside.
7. Take a hack saw an gentley cut thru the slots.
8. Blow off any debris.
9. Re-install the "O"ring.
10.Re-install the nipple inside the Hub,
(This is the hardest Part - Make sure you "center" the nipple and gentley tighten the nipple into the Hub being sure not to Cross-thread the nipple) Once you get the nipple to thread into the Hub, dont fully turn it in, (That's for later)
11. Insert the Hub back into the secondary and tighten until it contacts the secondary sheave.
12. RE-SET your deflection.
13. Tighten the nipple FIRM until you think are almost tightening TOO tight, Then stop.
14. DONE, ride it around and re-check your deflection----------- No more changing deflection.