IF DC withholds the ban it will breed more of them period. I find it very interesting how the liberal train of thought is that personal rights are to be upheld at all costs yet they are the first to want to restrain them when it comes to the second amendment. HYPOCRITTS!!!!!
The whole thing comes down to govt intervention and how it's proving to be the downfall of american ideals. It's much like raising children. If you coddle them and bail them out of every little bit of trouble and hardship in life they don't learn respect, self reliance, and the value of work and money. They do learn to be completely dependant on their parents.
Same thing with govt. The liberal elite want the american people to be dependant on them so they can influence every aspect of american life and impose their will and ideals on the people.
Much like the uproar for the govt backed bonds to buy out/bail out banks. Every liberal is yelling, what about the people that are getting forclosed on. Well they need to be tought a lesson and if it takes them falling on their face financially then so be it. Then most of them wont do it again once they've rebuilt their credit.
The banks have done many irresposible things, but in the grand sceem of things since all the small banks have been absorbed by the big ones that leaves prescious few to support the economy. If they fall on their face we will face another great depresion. FDIC or not if the banks fail and go out of business with the state of the economy the govt can't pull it off. This is why anti-trust/monopoly laws were made in the first place and nobody has been watching the cookie jar.