The loonies that just don't get it are the ones who keep spouting off about
making access harder to keep people out, however, they will still drive to
trailheads from their homes...hippocrites! Why not hike the entire way if
you are so concerned? Why draw the line where it suits you?
I got into a "conversation" a number of years ago between Stanley and
SunValley Id (Washington Lakes area I think) was about a 10 mile drive/ride
from the pavement up a canyon and over a ridge to a trailhead that branched
off the dirt road...We were riding quads/dirt bikes and happened to stop at
the trailhead (which was closed to motorized) when some SV hikers came out and were getting in their Tahoe....Of course they mouthed off and I then asked why they didn't hike the whole way if they were so concerned.....No answer....