Spaarky and Stroker Customs---- Thank you for giving me something to do as a new Moderator in the Polaris section. I'm serious, I appreciate both your input to this thread.
BUT, and this goes for everyone, if this becomes a Poo-show of character and product assasinations, we will close this thread with apologies to the OP.
Let's get this thread back on track regarding "more bottom end".
To the OP, clutching is a can of worms full of compromises. So many factors go into the "feel" and performance. Along with all the different preferences of riders and companies building kits. Clutching solutions remind me of suspension solutions in the motorcycling world-- there are 50,000+ wrong combinations out there and 10 solutions that will achieve similar results with different approaches. Then you add that every tuner believes he has the holy grail and everyone else is an idiot. Oh, and forgot to mention the customer loyalists.....
In addition to mechanical differences (weights, springs, helix, etc), you have to look at motor mount condition (more of an issue in 2016 and later), belt deflection, belt to sheave side clearance, alignment, belt wear, belt stretch, etc. The "best kit" for your style and feel preferences will feel like a dog if everything else isn't adjusted properly.
Oh yeah, black z, the grammar comment-- awesome