hey guys. just wondering what you guys think about these shocks. i have about 2300 miles on my sled and it doesn't seem to be handling the moguls like it used to. i can press down on the front of the sled and it will not come back up unless i pull it up. i ordered the schrader valve kits and the bike pump to pump the shocks up while still on the sled. anybody else done this mod to their sled? what have you found to be the best air ratio for you?
I urge everyone to simply put 4 valves on, and set pressures on all 4 chambers occasionally thru the season. I'm starting to really like 60/165 as preferred pressures for my style of riding and conditions. I've learned that changing either of these numbers by 5 or 10 psi causes the ride to go very bad very quickly...handling AND comfort. Last year I ran 1700 miles and I rarely liked these shocks. Then Timespentsearching set me up with 4 valves over the off season. So far about 900 miles this year (I just check my pressures at home before each trip...I have found no need to carry the pump with me), and now I absolutely LOVE these shocks. Night and day.
If you don't have valves, you have absolutely no idea what pressures you are at, whether or not they are even balanced from left to right, or if you might have a slow leak in one of 4 chambers. And even if you could identify which problem you have, you have no way to fix it. When riding temp swings from -20F to +40F the pressure changes in the chambers again...nitrogen or air doesn't matter, 60 degrees temp makes a PSI difference based on simple laws of physics.
It seems that the vast majority of those on this forum who dislike the handling or durability of these shocks are the ones running the wrong or unknown/unbalanced pressures. The few who really like them usually have the valves and have found their favored pressures. Having personally been on both sides of this coin, and having switched from disliking to REALLY liking these shocks, there's only one answer to these shocks IMO (assuming you do not own your own nitrogen filling needle 7 tank setup)....GET 4 VALVES AND A PUMP. 2 valves are not enough. Contact timespentsearching (aka
www.diamondshocks.com) for some pricing options and details after you finally learn to hate Polaris/Ryde FX for offering only a silly 2 valve kit and the non-availability/stupid high pricing for the 2 extra valves to complete the kit.
Need a pump? Here's the identical pump to the RydeFX/Polaris version:
The mountainbikers among you might already have a similar one at home...I did.
I wasted all last season getting repeatedly frustrated with these shocks and researching options. Save yourself from living the same headache and just invest in 4 valves and a pump.
craze1cars on hardcoresledder.com wrote this.