There is a culture war going on right now in this country.
The liberals think we should go more socialistic wereas the conservatives want to take the country back to more of a self reliance and away from big government.
It's easy to slide into socialism when the economy is rocking and everyone that wants a job can get one and a good one at that.
However, it is a harder sell when millions are out of work and can't find jobs anywhere for any amount of money.
People are looking at California and wondering what went wrong and are actually starting to get the correct answer. Socialism is what happened with the end result we all knew was coming.
The 2010 elections are already starting to heat up with the republicans saying the 3 trillion dollar spending is nothing more than a way for liberals to grow government at the expense of the american workers and is circumventing the constitution, the liberals saying give it time to work. Even the talking heads are saying the spending/tax increases may be having the exact opposite effect than was put forward. The tax increases and spending plans are curbing job growth.
The media outlets are starting to turn on each other to see which phylosopy they will put forward.
Gonna be interesting.
May not turn out good, but it will be interesting.