Heck he may be guilty as hell or may make billions from the problem who knows. It just amazes me the way the media is salivating over tghe possibility of destroying the only conservative media mogul as if he is the crookedest one out there when they are guilty of stuff that would make this look like a teaparty. You know what scares me:
A media consciousely pushing and supporting the global warming scam.
A media that refuses to even question the legality of the man in the oval office or requiring him to present the actual diocumentation
A media that Attacks an Alaska governer with the vengance that they would not use against our worst enemies.
A media that purposfully refuses to connect muslim terrorism with attrocities unles they are actually forced to.
A media that blatently lies in its publications about former president bush.
A media that purposely puts explosives in the gas tank of trucks and shows a fantastic crash, for what reason I can't comprehend.
A media that refuses to vet the Federal Reserve, the trilateral commissiion, the CFR, the bildebergers etc.
These are just a few things that scare me. Swampy
no..i thought you were indicating that the news we were getting was from the investigators who were getting there info from Murdoch..i was surmising then that if Murdoch was getting the information before anyone else..(not implying directly that he is getting the info first because he is a participant in the activities)..then why doesn;t the possibility exist that Murdoch could make alot of money by being the first media to bring out the new headlines.
He could make money from his own problems..lol..kinda of like having your own private oilspill and pay the small deductable the getting paid the big dollars by the insurance company cleaning it up yourself..