wow i can't believe how overrated this has become...Here's what I've done in the past when i get sick which is very rare....when you start getting that itch in your throat and you know its the beginning of something that's really gonna suck....drink whiskey till you pass out....this way if you're gonna feel like crap in the morning at least you know you have something to feel chitty about. Then it will just feel like a 2-3 day hangover, only cure is hair of the dog...keep drinking and eventually you'll hurl up all the whiskey and magically the virus too. It's worked in the past and I don't see why it wouldnt work here. There is no goddam way I'm gonna take a 'vaccine' for swine flu....what a joke seriously...Its a virus and that is all...no plague, no real pandemic...just a freakin flu....tuck in your pussies and man up.
thats good advice right there I tell you what !!!!....what ??? I just told you ..
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