1. 'Swine Flu' (hereafter SF)is a respiratory influenza virus with, this time, a mixed human/avian/swine genetic base.
2. SF is no more contagious than Winter Human Influenza (WHI).
3. SF is no more deadly than WHI, which killed 35,000 people in the US this last winter.
4. SF is slightly more easily caught by healthy adults than WHI. The very young/old/sick as usual are at highest risk.
5. SF & WHI kill by causing respiratory failure due to direct damage to the lung tissue, indirect damage from mucus production/inflammatory agents/etc., and through increasing the chance of catching secondary infections such as bacterial pneumonia's.
6. There is no vaccine for SF yet. WHI *may* offer partial protection as the human genetic component *appears* to be strain that was in the flu shot you should have gotten this last winter.
7. Antibiotics do not work on viruses. You might get antibiotics if you show evidence of a secondary bacterial infection.
8. Tamiflu & Relenza appear to offer the same efficacy for Sf as for WHI, which is to say, not much. They do not cure. They *may* shorten the course of the illness by 24-hours. They *appear* to reduce the chance of catching the illness IF you have been directly exposed to it (e.g. family member has it), but there is no guarantee. Tamiflu in particular has potentially serious side effects & should not be taken without a risk-benefit discussion.
9. Masks offer only indirect protection. N95-100 series are better than standard surgical masks. NONE stop virus particles, but they can stop gobs of airborne snot from a sneeze going directly up your nose... if you keep breathing through a mask after it has been snotted on, you WILL inhale the viruses. Mask can be soaked or augmented with a sheet of tissue that has been impregnated with 7% citric acid and 2% sodium lauryl sulfate by weight and allowed to dry... this can be irritating to the skin/nose, but will kill 99%+ of germs & is FDA approved for such use.
10. Handwashing, avoiding enclosed areas with lots of people, and general good health are the best ways to avoid getting sick. A Vit. D supplement *may* help. Employers should encourage/avoid penalizing staff for staying home when they have respiratory symptoms. Closing schools & public areas is routine - we closed a bunch this winter for a few days due to WHI, Strep, and Whooping Cough outbreaks. It's not a panic sign.
11.The media are FOS as usual, ignore them. Check the CDC site 2x weekly for trend info. Stock up on some extra hand cleaner. Encourage lame-o friends and family to finally get some extra supplies put away so they can avoid the grocery store for a couple of weeks if needed. Prepare for either Plan A or B as you choose:
Plan A: Immediately scorch the earth down to the living rock in a 5-mile radius around your bunker. Activate the automatic gun turrets and air defenses. Shelter up for at least 6-months. Check back in here when you emerge.
Plan B: Turn off the idiot box. Curl up with a good book and a good drink, secure in the knowledge that you are well prepared for however this plays out. Take occasional breaks to schtup your schtuppee of choice. If you don't have one, this may be a great time to find one, by mentioning the extensive preparations and knowledge you have of this matter. The reproductive & survival imperative will doubtless drive many attractive choices your way.