Give 'em a TOW
Are there any "official" rules for how we should pass, or let them pass, i.e. mph? Not that we need any more rules, just askin?
I agree 5-10 mph should be the rule of thumb if nothing is official. I spent many years hauling my board and **** up via snowshoes to the various huts around here. Instead of anger (like the above mentioned a$$hat skiers), I had admiration for sledders and hence the reason I now own three sleds. The one thing I always thought back then was "when are they going to ask me if i want a ride or a tow the rest of the way up this beast?"
Having jumped to the darkside now with NO thoughts of ever shoeing up a hill again, I've thankfully not been treated like some of you others. One thing I do if i see a group headed up the hill, is ask them if they want a tow. You'd be amazed at how many will accept and be absolutely thankful for the energy saving pull behind a sled. Probably somewhere near 50-50 yes/no depending on the group. We had a lady cry one time because she was so thankful we pulled her up, saying she never would have made it without us
(her group of skinners left her behind because she was struggling)
This is our way of showing those guys that we SHARE the space and want to co-exist. A quick trip back up is no sweat off my back or the sleds. We've even had the leader of the group say no and give us some **** about being human-powered to then have everyone else in his group accept a ride up, then go cruising by the guy with a smile on their faces. (He did finally take the ride after we came back by
Just like someone said earlier, there are a-holes in every group but their minds can be changed or influenced with a tow or two.
And I must thank all of you out there for the comradery the sledding community has. I've never met a group more willing to help in any situation. Its infectious, I can't pass anyone/anywhere stuck or broke without asking if they need help. I've derailed whole sledding trips to help a complete stranger with his/her sled with zero remorse for the decision. Those of you that have done the same for me, THANK YOU.
We all learn somewhere, most free-heelers or shoers just haven't learned yet.
Sorry for the f'in long post fellas,