I would take the recoil housing off, pull the rope through the hole (try not to let it unwind) and give the spool a few turns to "tighten" the spring. Then feed the rope back through the hole and you should be good to go!
Take the recoil off, pull the rope all the way to the end of the spool, hold the spool and pull some loose rope into the recoil through the eyelet. Give the spool another wind while keeping the rope pulled up so it walks around the recoil with the spool. Pull the slack back out the eyelet and let the spool recoil the rope. There is usually a notch in the spool to aid you in walking the rope around as the spool turns.
Those recoils are absolute junk. I'm on my third one so far. I use better quality nylon rope from the Skidoo dealership... but the rope isn't the problem. The problem is the shoddy recoil that is too weak to crank over a cold 900 for more than a season or two.
Last week my recoil hung up with the motor and spun the inside of the recoil with the motor. You wouldn't believe the noise it made. I ended up pulling the recoil on the mountain and burning my hand because the metal clip inside was so hot.
Not like it really made a difference, 15 minutes later I snapped a chain climbing over a ridge. Ended up leaving the sled in the woods overnight.
Anyways... always bring a clutch rope to start it in an emergency.
I would tighten the recoil spring as others have said. I still use the stock rope. If you don't have the rope in a tube then I would install one. The rope always broke at the recoil entrance (spectra mountain 5mil as well). I made mine from an older model sled before Cat put them on the King Cat. Haven't broke a rope since.
Also, if the rope has ever been replaced it could be too long.
I have also had a bad run of recoils. I run a CPC 1150 and always had a extra rope on hand and also broke a few recoils that ended up running into the ignition. I decided to spend some $$$ and build a recoil kit for the 800 and 900 that uses the 1000 recoil. The kit consits of a recoil to a 1000 a builet adaptor plate and all hardware for 425.00. I also build a stand up front post steering post and kick butt rear suspension that is 42lbs with ti springs. call me for details lonnie 406-570-0056