I had a stock '08 Nytro in '07/08....I was fairly disappointed with the deep powder performance after coming off my '05 Summit 800. However, the second season I switched the rear skid and track, and tuned the clutching.....WOW, what a difference!! I ALWAYS loved the handling, and these mods made the deep powder performance MORE than respectable. I only got stuck 1 time last year on it, and it was a super deep day at Buff Pass where we were breaking trail and I parked it vertically on a big knoll...made it further than anyone else that day, tho (D8's in the mix, too).
Pull and go, turn key, ride and forget......all these explain the Nytro. Mod the track and the skid, and you'll be smiling all year long in the deep, too!
psssh, i get stuck more on my Tnytro than i did on my rev.
well..mb not.. amount of time stuck doesn't indicate weather a sled "works" or not..is my point.
and on the subject...nytros (w/o engine mods) with the right couple of mods can really work well in the deep...and it can be amazing what such a fat sled can do.
but reguardless, i'll still take a "stuck Rev" over a "stuck Nytro" at 10k feet..
but on the same note, i'd much rather have the handling of the Nytro...so as long as the Nytro is moving it should get along just fine w/ other 700s.
when the nytro is stuck...well...just get a jack/bunjee.
i think a new sledder starting on a 4 stroke is a good thing. some people may have experience from other motorsports to fall back on when coming over to sledding.
but i think most people "new to the sport" don't necc. need the biggest and longest sled as a starter sled per-say.
and oil is another serious thing to consider, maybe even more so w/ the economy lately.
an oil change cost once a season vs the amount of 2 stroke oil consumed is pretty significant for weekly riders. let alone having to keep it on hand, stored, and...to remember puting it in before each ride. ><
no need to be too hard on the guy, when hes stuck, just make a few more circles around him while he digs a bit before helping him out...if you need to jab him for his sled choice.
by joe, i do the same thing to some of those 2 stroke riders now n again to get em back!! haha
when it comes down to it, theres much more to it than just wt/hp to decide upon now. turn key, pull trigger can actually increase your state of mind and energy alone!
no more pulling n pulling n pulling, n pulling n pulling . . . or burning hands on hot pipes/cans to fix recoils...etc etc ohhhh the memories.
if only the 4s had electronic reverse...easy 9-10 lb wt loss!
...wow this got long...