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REVIEW: BC Link 2-Way Radio for "Group" Communications

I don't see vox ever working well on a sled or anything else that has much noise, wind or engine.

the baofeng speaker mic has a ear phone socket. I don't use it because I don't want to mess around with connecting something every time I take my helmet off.

there is another idea that I have thought about.... the baofeng uv-3r is a tiny radio. the body of it will fit in a cigarette pack (just to illustrate size). mount the radio to the helmet, then, rig up a mic speaker setup that can be mounted in the helmet. use the PTT button that is on the side of the radio... that's too much hassle, by the time one designs a robust way to mount the radio....build it for everyone in the group.

my setup works well so far. I use/wear a bca float 32. stuff the radio in the cargo area. set it high enough so that the antenna sticks out through the zipper with the mic cord. the 32 has a small loop inside the left shoulder strap zipper pouch. clip the mic to that and it stays put very nicely. I wonder though, what will happen if I have to deploy the bag while the mic cord is interfering with the top of the pack???

Posted from Snowestonline.com App for Android
Our two radios just keep on working.
I have decided to buy TWO MORE of them as loaners for friends that come riding with us!
RDS88 said:
Are these VHF?

the radios that I use are dual band but we use UHF. should use vhf.... next time I ride with a small group I'll set everyone up with vhf and see if there is a worth while difference.

Posted from Snowestonline.com App for Android
christopher said:
Our two radios just keep on working.
I have decided to buy TWO MORE of them as loaners for friends that come riding with us!
bca makes good stuff. I just think that the link is seriously over priced considering that one can have reliable comms for much less $.....

Posted from Snowestonline.com App for Android
bca makes good stuff. I just think that the link is seriously over priced considering that one can have reliable comms for much less $.....
Posted from Snowestonline.com App for Android

Price wise I still think these are a GREAT radio.
They are SUPER SIMPLE to use, well made and purpose designed.

And at $149 all over the net, its pretty reasonable.


If you’re a backcountry rider, you know by now that you need to carry a beacon, shovel, probe, and airbag into the backcountry–and take an avalanche safety course. You’ve probably also learned that snow science is inexact: snow stability can be difficult to evaluate and decision making is never black-and-white. The biggest variable in the field is often within your own group: humans.

Learn about Human factors and group communication, click here.

Avalanche Review article discussing the details about group communication, click here.

I've got a couple of BCA Links, I love them, too. Batteries last a long time. I don't like the "A-F" knob, it IS too easy to move, but I just make ABC Channel 1 and DEF Channel 2 - we don't often need to change channels anyway, so doing it that way & defaulting to "A" or "F" reduces the chances of rotation/no communication.

What I _REALLY_ like about them is that I can hear the radio enough while riding the sled to stop, collaborate and listen. Range seems good, when I can't get my partners, there's normally a good reason for it - distance plus ridge/forest/etc. Range and quality is CERTAINLY better than the cheapo Motorolas or whatever I've used in the past.
I've got a couple of BCA Links, I love them, too. Batteries last a long time. I don't like the "A-F" knob, it IS too easy to move, but I just make ABC Channel 1 and DEF Channel 2 - we don't often need to change channels anyway, so doing it that way & defaulting to "A" or "F" reduces the chances of rotation/no communication.

What I _REALLY_ like about them is that I can hear the radio enough while riding the sled to stop, collaborate and listen. Range seems good, when I can't get my partners, there's normally a good reason for it - distance plus ridge/forest/etc. Range and quality is CERTAINLY better than the cheapo Motorolas or whatever I've used in the past.

Interestingly, yesterday was the FIRST time I had another group of riders coming across on our channel. We always ride on "D".
I've found that staying off the obvious ones - 10/4, 7/11, 4/20 (sigh, colorado....) we have minimal conflict, even at the busiest areas. I default to A or F; put the knob at one end or the other's limit, it can only move one way.

If it DOES, no big deal, still on correct channel. I seem to bump it less frequently when on F vs A for some reason, just the way I attach it.

I carried Motorolas or whatever - forget, I probably have three pairs of "cheapo" radios - they never got used. Sure, they'd be in the bag/pocket, but they'd only actually get _used_ when stuff was WRONG. The BCA link makes it too easy not to use them. They're fantastic.
I can't really ride without them anymore. At least it is really hard to do it anyway. It is such a handy tool to have. We mostly use it to talk crap about each other on, but it has had a lot of benefits as well. It really comes in handy when you get separated and happen to screw up and get stuck. I know for a fact that the range is very good which is also another good feature with them. The A - F button does move but we put it on F and that seems to work best.
A=F button

What I did to fix the A-F button from easily moving, remove the button and place a thin rubber washer (I made one from 1/16" silicone sheet) under the button. Re-install the button and wahlaaa! The button has enough friction it doesn't get bumped out of channel. Works great! I really like this radio, very happy with it!
My brother and I ran them this season and I really like using them. Only had the dial move a few times but I just set a-f all to the same radio channel so it doesn't even matter if you bump it.
Mine should be coming in the mail today or tomorrow. Ready to try it out next weekend/following week!!!
Throwing around the thought of getting about 6 of these for this upcoming here. What are the current thought from people with experience with them. Worth the investment?
Throwing around the thought of getting about 6 of these for this upcoming here. What are the current thought from people with experience with them. Worth the investment?
This is still my GO TO RADIO.
Have FOUR of them now and still VERY happy with them.

Wish they were allowed to push more WATTS, but they can only do what the Feds allow them.
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