I am sure that someone has had to replace these before????? I am going to golden next weekend and need to change them for my new lexan panels HELP!!!!!!!
I replaced my side panel straps on my 07 summit about a month ago and it wasn't bad. The top one's are the worst because you have to unbolt your consule and spin it so you can drill out the revits and put new one's in. FYI there is a lock nut on the gas filler you have to take off. The bottom ones I just drilled out, there wasn't anything behind the tunnel to hit with the drill on my sled but I'd double check. When you put the new straps on just take a hammer or screw driver to pry out the bracket a little and slide your new strap on and revit it in and your done. I think it took me an hour to do my first sled then 30 min to do the other after I figured it all out. Hope this helps Drew
Maybe a dumb question, but when you replaced your bottom strap did you put the rivet in from the outside. If you can, that would make the whole operation real easy. I was considering doing that but was concerned with the rivet rubbing against the track inside the tunnel. Also what length rivet did you use?