Dave is on my mind today.... It is coming up on 7 years since his death. I realize many who are active on this site never knew him, or maybe have never even heard of him. He came into and out of my life way too quickly, but what a profound impact his living, and dying, has had on me, and so many others. He was a good man! He loved his girls, his friends, and reached out to everyone, including complete strangers.
I have met few men like Dave. Some of my strongest, life-long friendships have come through, and because of, him. I am very grateful for that, which has been a silver lining in an otherwise tremendous tragedy and loss. The older I get, the more I realize it is ok for a guy to tell his friends he appreciates what they bring to his life. For my buds who are still around here, thank you!
Remember your friends, and be thankful for the great times you share! Please make sure you ALL return home safely after every ride this Winter! Sledding is a great sport, but it is NOT worth dying for!