No one has created a kit to do the skid upgrades because it is pretty parts and $$$ intensive to do so. To update a 15 or older skid to 16 geometry you need rails, upper rear suspension arm, pull rod under the rear shock, and a longer front arm shock. Lower rear suspension arm, rear shock, and front suspension arm are the same. Arm and shock bolt hardware is also smaller on the newer skids than your 2013 has so some drilling out of holes in the arms or changing shock bushings and getting new bolts would also be required.
With your list of aftermarket parts in your rear skid, you are going to have to call Hy-gear and see if their pull rod and shock is compatible with the 2016 geometry, and call Exit to see if your front track shock (FTS) can be easily modified to 2016 specs. I think the XF sleds used a longer FTS than the Ms to start with, but I don't know if it is long enough. If those two phone calls are favorable, then I'd investigate how cheap you can get the new rails and arms. Ice age rails already have a better curve on the front compared to stock for pre 2016 sleds, but the ones you have will not have the right rear arm or front arm mounting points. Then as others have said you will need to get the drop brackets in the rear to relocate the skid.
If you're really set on doing it, I'd part your current skid and do like Wyo said and try to find a takeoff '16 or '17 skid to buy and have the shocks revalved in it. My $0.02.