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REAL TIME VIDEO of Avalanche and rescue

That gets the heart rate going just watching the video..

Glad he is alive to talk about it and share the experience..
Like Catmanm7 said make sure your buddies have all there gear.What would have happend if the 1st searcher was buried ,would the results have been the same? this video should be a wake up call for a lot of people.
The other thing I was wondering is if the first searcher, (with the helmet cam on) was the only one with a beacon? I am thinking either the others had theirs on search already (or off) or he was able to discern where a signal was coming from right away?

Great point and was wondering the same thing! Like said before, a lot of wrong things took place that are easy to pick out now, but a person shouldn't even have to question if there buddy is wearing a beacon AFTER they are buried. Make sure everyone has one and that they work!! Very lucky guy!!
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#1. I'm glad you are alive 2. Those with beacons probes and shovels who were prepared you are HERO'S 3. If you do not have the 4 essentials beacon,probe,shovel,and knowledge to use them.You have no business in the back co. I'm sure those that weren't will be from know on so no reason to criticize.
Even when I ride with my wife and kids for family day I ALWAYS wear my gear just incase someone in this situation needs help. Oh yeh , I always wear it with the boys too just incase someone else needs help and I remind myself everytime I go out that I do NOT want to come home and tell a friends wife that he is gone. SO GLAD YOUR FRIEND IS OK. That does not happen very often without a beacon :face-icon-small-sho
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