Debunking the loose track-Extrovert, Urban Performance Legend / Myth
First, DO NOT loosen your track! You are buying into an urban legend that a loose track is more efficient, IT IS NOT!
"Ratcheting" is when the driver is turning but not turning the track. Which is lost motion / performance and causes premature wearing of both parts. I reposted some reasons why from a previous post I made a year or two ago.
Reposted from years ago;
Running a track that loose is a very popular Urban Performance Legend / Myth (and Avid and others have made a mint by propagating this legend, and pushing their Extrovert drivers), all you do is add drag and allow the paddles to fold over. Let me try and draw a picture of what happens and why the "ridiculously tight, with 10lbs only 1/2",,,, seems too tight" is actually better in both performance and track and hyfax life.
The driver pulls the track from the top and pushes it out the bottom. So when accelerating the track is tight from the tail rollers to the drivers, any slack that you do not take out, is taken up in waves on the bottom where the track meets the snow (much like the Chinese bred Shar-Pei, dog with wrinkled skin). When the track is hitting the snow with these waves, rather than the paddles hitting the snow straight on and biting in, they are often folded over backwards and just slide and slip. You are losing traction, adding drag and friction, accelerating track wear (over flexing it), increasing Hyfax wear, etc.
What would you rather drive on? A washboard country road (running a loose track) or a freshly paved road (running a properly tensioned track)?
While it seems to roll easier when you are dragging it around the shop, in reality it is detrimental in every way. If you really want to gain performance and decrease rolling resistance. Increase driver diameter as well as rear tail roller diameter and tension the track as described in the manual.
Extroverts were designed by lazy people who don't want to do preventative maintenance and marketed as the fix all by those who will blindly take your money and encourage you to spend even more and buy a needed anti-stab kit.
My two cents, hope I explained that adequately for you.