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Radio Communication - Emergency Channel?


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It seems that most people are riding with some type of radio communication - at least in the mountains. Why don't the 2-way radio manufacturers have a standard Emergency Channel that is always scanned for transmissions?

We all set a frequency for group communication, but if we ever needed help in an emergency it would be great to have all radios automatically scanning for a pre-set Emergency Channel. This would allow others to aid in rescue and possibly daisy chain communication back to the nearest emergency personnel.

Does anyone know if this exist and I am not aware of it???
I wondered same thing. First weekend using my bca link. Awesome product but it should be more like $50
these are from bca $149.95.
Was at a Mike Duffy class and he was talking about them and how while they work.
Sounds like they work awsome and for $150 thats nothing for what a person spend on gear.
Not aware of anything like that as well. We also run the same channels always so hopefully if we got in trouble someone who rides with us could advise as such.

Also BCA Link radios get another +1.

3rd season on them and honesty wont leave the shop without them. Cut down majorly on down time riding and you can always keep track of your crew!
CB radios use channel 9 for emergency don't they?

We should all just start using something like 1-1.
Or maybe say "who cares" and make it one of the 5w channels that you are supposed to have the FCC licence for so it teaches out further.

7-1? Is that the lowest 5w channel?
I just picked up five Retevis r888s radios with handsets on Ebay for $108 shipped. They seem pretty nice and have gotten good reviews. There's 16 preset channels and channel 16 supposedly scans all frequencies for transmissions.

I'll see how they perform in a couple of weeks.

I'd agree with Scott if there isn't already a standard emergency channel- I have no idea on this???- that we establish a standard one ourselves that just gets used for emergency and as it gets passed around that's what everyone will use. . and ditto on the 5 watt side as well. ..what they gonna do when you need that extra power to reach out and ya switch over??. .. ..actually may have to have 2 channels after thinking for a minute .. some will only have the lower powered units and I don't know if the channels cross over??..so there'd need to be a channel for that side too. ...
Let's be the leaders and claim the emergency channel.


Let's get something started.

CBs are emergency channel 9.

How about the FRS/GMRS emergency channel is 9.1?
if channel 9 works with the CB radio, why not use it on our radios as well, is that not more universal
7-1? Is that the lowest 5w channel?

Am I reading something wrong? It seems the Link transmits 0.5W and 1W. Channels 8-14 are the weaker 0.5W.
BCA Link Manual:
Channels 1 through 7 are combined GMRS/FRS channels. Channels 8 through 14 are FRS channels. Channels 15 through 22 are GMRS channels. The FRS channels (8-14) transmit at 0.5 W, while all other channels transmit at 1.0W. While battery life is longer when using channels 8-14, the range of transmission is shorter.
I would think based on the above that channels 1-7 would be a better emergency channel. And don't add a privacy channel, so more radios could pick up the transmission.
Further reading online, the seemingly now-defunct NationalSOS group was pushing FRS channel 1 as an emergency band:

"they propose designating FRS Channel 1 (462.5625mhz), on FRS Ch. 1 and these messages would be received by participating Ham Radio operators whose UHF 440 band gear could receive"

So, for the sake of the BCA Link, channel 1-0 would fit this designation.

Perhaps we should get Mike Duffey's take on this, since he is part of mountain rescue.
While searching for information and reviews on the BCA BC Link I found this review. https://www.wildsnow.com/11646/bc-link-2-way-radio-snowsports-skiing-walkie-talkie/
And I did notice that when the dial on the handheld Mic was turned to F, 20 - 22 channel was preprogrammed into the receiver.
I copy and pasted a parargraph from what he wrote these are not my words.

Note: There are no FRS/GMRS channels “officially” designated for various uses, but convention designates channel 1 for general (anonymous) public chat, and channel 20 (with quiet code 22)
for emergencies. That said, in most areas the FRS/GMRS channels are NOT monitored in any way that would help you call for help. In reality, channel 1 tends to be overused due to it being the
easiest channel to get to on a new radio (especially for children, as you may notice at home on Christmas morning), as well as being easy to remember. Thus, when setting your radio we
recommend not using channel 1. But perhaps keep channel 20-code-22 as a setting and don’t use it for day-to-day comm.
So, are we going anywhere with this? With all the BCA Links out there, it would sure be nice to have a go-to emergency channel that perhaps the mods can post throughout Snowest. I'm still liking the 1-0 channel (wattage and ham radio pickup), so what if a lot of knuckleheads use it for general comms - perhaps they'll unknowingly pick up a distress call.
I just picked up five Retevis r888s radios with handsets on Ebay for $108 shipped. They seem pretty nice and have gotten good reviews. There's 16 preset channels and channel 16 supposedly scans all frequencies for transmissions.

I'll see how they perform in a couple of weeks.

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Thats a killer deal. I will definitely be looking to see how these worked out for you!!
bringing this back up .. .anyone have any new thoughts on having a mountain riders emergency channel. ..?? . ..
I've got nothing for ya, as far as an emergency channel goes, but since you brought this old post back, those Retevis radios work really well. Loud and clear, with about a 1-2 range in the mountains. We use them all the time now.

I've since bought a couple more Baofeng 888s radios. They work with the Retevis radios, but the build quality is much cheaper. The Retevis radios are the way to go, but they seem harder to get now.
One area I ride has made 9 the go to emergency channel. Trail groomer is supposed to monitor while in the cat. Not sure if anybody else monitors, but it's at least a step in the right direction.
Let's be the leaders and claim the emergency channel.


Let's get something started.

CBs are emergency channel 9.

How about the FRS/GMRS emergency channel is 9.1?

Your pretty much on the right track here. It seems that a common theme among avalanche awareness trainers, to include Duffy is to have an emergency channel set to 9 - 11. So basically channel 9 and sub channel 11. In our group, on our BCA Link radios, the last channel is set for 9-11. This way it's quick to dial too and easy to remember.
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