Any extended warranty is going to cost more than what it actually cost to own and operate that piece of equipment, over the time frame of the warranty. Nobody is into losing money for providing a warranty. If a warranty is relatively inexpensive its probably because it isn't needed. If it's really expensive it's because the machine has a high cost of ownership. If someone can't afford the cost of ownership than a warranty is a good route so that you don't have something broken down that you are saving up to repair. As for the amount of warranty included from the factory thats going to be in the price. Thr longer and better the warranty, the more you pay in the purchase price. I am willing to bet Polaris saw how many people took the money in lieu of additional warranty so they kept the price down by shortening the warranty. With these particular sleds I bet the majority of them change hands before the 2 warranty is up, so the original purchases could care less about having 4 years.